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Better Learning Group

A group dedicated to providing our children with solutions for better learning and studying.

Zoe's Education Tips

Just a few tips and tricks that might help you boost your children's grade by teaching them how to study more efficiently. And if you still study yourself - these will apply to you too!

The Club

This club has a bunch of games to play, but i suggest that you don't use this in school.So tell everyone you know on ecto to join.If you want to contact me then shoot me an e-mail at bryanpadilla123@gmail.com. BTW the join code is:theclub update:Oscar is the new tag leader!!!

Islamic Spirituality Class

The class of Islamic Spirituality (Tasawwuf) held at Wilayah Learning Centre, Singapore, 2009. This is an open group for the participants of the class and anyone who wishes to join in and share in the lessons. The material used is "The Naqshbandi Sufi Way Guidebook" by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani.


Product ABC


An exploration of personal learning environments

What people are saying about Ecto

A collection of short clips of students and teachers using Ecto

Ecto Help

This group is setup to develop and maintain the help pages in Ecto

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