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  • The part of government mainly responsible for deciding if a law is constitutional is the

    legislative branch.
    judicial branch.

    created by State of Oregon

  • A group of fifth graders would like to understand why skateboarding is not allowed on downtown sidewalks or in the library parking lot. To find the answers to their questions, the students might

    attend a city council meeting.
    attend a school board meeting.
    call the fire department.
    call the police department.

    created by State of Oregon

  • Where might you find helpful information in a newspaper about a political issue?

    Sports page
    Want ads
    Movie listings

    created by State of Oregon

  • There is a local law that limits the speed on a city street. The purpose of this law is to

    take rights away from the citizens.
    make sure trucking companies don’t make money.
    stop burglaries.
    protect the common good.

    created by State of Oregon

  • Use the chart to answer the next question. Why did our country’s founding fathers create a government with three branches?

    To make the United States more like the English government
    To make sure that governing powers are limited
    To make sure one branch would always be more important
    To create more jobs for the people in government

    created by State of Oregon

  • The writers of the Constitution designed a government called a REPUBLIC. Which of the following most accurately describes a REPUBLIC system of government?

    A group of states that agree to be separate, but unite under a common federal government.
    A group of states who vote directly on issues and keep control of local, state, and natural issues.
    Citizens of each state keep control of state and local issues, but have no power to influence national issues.
    Citizen elect local, state, and national representatives to vote on issues for them, and keep limited direct control.

    created by State of Oregon

  • People who work as United State Supreme Court Justices are appointed by

    the governor of the state where they live.
    the President of the United States.
    the United States Senate.
    the United States House of Representatives.

    created by State of Oregon

  • The United States Air Force was established as a separate branch of the armed forces after World War II. Which philosophy set forth in the Preamble of the Constitution gave the government authority to do this?

    Provide for common defense
    Promote general welfare
    Insure domestic tranquility
    Establish justice

    created by State of Oregon

  • The first ten amendments of the United States Constitution are referred to as the

    Constitutional Convention.
    Bill of Rights.
    Townsend Acts.
    First Continental Congress.

    created by State of Oregon

  • If the judicial branch of the government was eliminated, which of the following would be the effect?

    There would be no Commander in Chief of the United States armed forces.
    There would be no one to rule on the constitutionality of laws.
    There would be no one to make laws.
    There would be no one to veto bills.

    created by State of Oregon

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