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NameKassie .♥ Main .♥
357 days left!
DescriptionK a s s i e M a i n♥. - nineeteen:(. -- Happnin peOple Am Kassie DUHH!! a stay in garrOwhill luv it heer very muchO. Am bak at stOw cOllege agen ae dae sumthin diffeant this yeer kOz actin was tO put it nicely S**** =) sO Am dOin Web Design lOl They'l never get rid ae me At the Weekend Yuull prObibaly find me sumwere Owt ma nut rambalin alOt a rubbish wae ma pals hOo a lOve very dearly they arr all speciOl in Ther Own Little Wayss =) i L Y G S F M♥. a live fOr The Weekendd cOmpletly .. But a supOse EveryOne dOes =)iTs The Only Time Ov The Week We Can Get Owt WurNuts N* gO tO Our Own Little wOrld =D..Am nOt shy tO say wOt a think if a dnt like Yuu Yuu Will nO!! but am nOt Nasty just really stupit N* lOud .. A lOve bebO iTs Like Heavy The Best lOl Am Addicted =) a Hav 3 sO iF Yuur nOsey N Want Tae Add iZ > Hawwitmate_x
Tags / KeywordsK a s s i e ' M a i n .♥. =)
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