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Oops... That was NOT the right choice. When Tommy tried to run out standing up he quickly became blinded by the smoke and could not see how to get out. He inhaled a large amount of smoke and died. Tippy was standing up too, but even on his hind legs the guy is only about a foot tall. He bolted out as fast a turtle can go and was okay. After spending some time at the vet and has now been reassigned to other duties by the fire department chief. Remember! Always stay low when you are escaping. This helps you to avoid inhaling smoke. It also helps you to see how to get out. When it comes to fires, smoke inhalation is the number one killer.
Good choice. Tommy and Tippy stayed low and crawled out on their hands and knees. Well, actually, Tippy just walked out the way a turtle normally would but he was so low to the ground that he provided a good example. By staying low they avoided smoke inhalation and could see better. This saved their lives. Just look how they are smiling! Normally when your house is burning down around you, it's a rather distressing situation, but if you know the basics of fire safety and you have a fire turtle at your side, it's not half bad!
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